Monday, August 6, 2012

It’s A Wild Life in the Galapagos Islands

Originally Published December 26th, 2011 

Prehistoric looking iguanas, roaring sea lions, creeping lava lizards, and deadly scorpions 

own the chain of volcanic 
black rocks which make up 
The Galapagos Islands.  

From ship to shore, wet landings and dry landings, the adventure never ends, as our eyes and minds are exposed to sights, which we have never before seen and which we will never ever forget.  

How many people can claim that they have seen penguins on the equator, or blue-footed boobies sunning themselves in the warm sun?  Giant crabs and mammoth tortoises roam the landscape inducing sensory overload.     

Sea turtles and seals dive the ocean waters amongst spawning stingrays and mammoth whales.   

Marvels of isolated evolution abound; the islands seem to appear and disappear among the mist of rocks of volcanic origin.  

The experience is absolutely unforgettable I am glad to say that “the memory can last forever” as it has been captured with digital images.

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